Seaway7 awarded East Anglia THREE contract

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Seaway7, part of the Subsea7 Group, today confirmed the award of a very large1 contract by ScottishPower Renewables for the transport and installation of the foundations and inner-array cables for the East Anglia THREE offshore farm.

The award comes a year after the Preferred Bidder Agreement was announced.

East Anglia THREE ā€“ located in the Southern North Sea, 69 kilometres off the Suffolk coast ā€“ will be the worldā€™s second largest windfarm when it comes into operation in 2026. Its 95 14.7MW turbines will have a combined capacity of 1,400MW, generating enough green electricity to power the equivalent of more than 1.3 million homes.

Seaway7ā€™s scope of work includes the transport, logistics and installation of 95 monopile foundations, associated seabed preparation and scour protection along with the engineering, supply and installation of the 95 inner-array cables. In addition to the heavy lifting and cable lay vessels, Seaway7 will also utilise its heavy transportation fleet to handle the significant transportation scope.

Execution of the scope will be led from Seaway7ā€™s Aberdeen and Sutton offices in the UK. The project will progress from early engineering works throughout 2023 with offshore activities scheduled to commence in 2024.

Ross Ovens, ScottishPower Renewablesā€™ Managing Director for the East Anglia Hub offshore windfarms, said: ā€œItā€™s fantastic to confirm this major contract with Seaway 7 for East Anglia THREE. Weā€™ve been moving at pace to put all the building blocks in place to ensure East Anglia THREE can get to work as quickly as possible, producing more green electricity in the UK for the UK.

ā€œIā€™m very proud that thereā€™s more of the same to come while driving that transition to a cleaner, greener net zero future alongside partners like Seaway7.ā€

Stuart Fitzgerald, CEO Seaway7, said: ā€œThis award builds upon our leading position in the UK market. The integrated nature of the award, combining the installation of both foundation and inner-array cables, as well as the utilisation of our heavy transportation vessels, is further testimony to the range of capabilities we have secured across the complete value chain.

ā€œWe look forward to building our relationship with ScottishPower Renewables as, together, we deliver one of the worldā€™s largest offshore wind complexes, representing a significant contribution to the UKā€™s renewable targetā€.

(1) Subsea7 defines a very large contract as being between USD 500 million and USD 750 million.

The post Seaway7 awarded East Anglia THREE contract appeared first on Project Cargo.

5 July 2023 |

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