Altius Chile handles transformer shipment from Chile

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A proud member of the Project Logistics Alliance representing Argentina, Bolivia, and Spain, Altius S.A. recently oversaw a shipment of five transformers from Chile headed to the Ivirizu Hydroelectric Plant in Bolivia.

The cargo was the centerpiece of a major energy-generating project owned by the Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA (ENDE), a Bolivian public company that provides electricity in Cochabamba.

Of the five transformers, two weighed 79 tons, while the other three weighed 60 tons, a total of an enormous 139 tons. The cargo was collected at the Port of Iquique in Chile and loaded onto 10-axle lines before embarking on a 900-kilometer journey to Las Juntas and Sehuencas. Due to the heavy weight of the transformers, hydraulic jacks were required to lift them during unloading operations. The jacks also helped stabilize foundations as the cargo was set in place in Las Juntas and Sehuancas.

With experts in Bolivia and Chile, the team at Altius secured all necessary permits in both countries, ensuring all customs formalities were cleared on behalf of the clients. Altius performed all the transport operations flawlessly as the team took special precautions in adhering to its customers’ instructions with great care. All safety measures were applied, which resulted in yet another successful project.

The post Altius Chile handles transformer shipment from Chile appeared first on Project Cargo.

6 July 2023 |

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