Italian presence grows at DTLF


Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Gruber Logistics, Codognotto Italia, AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, RAM, Mercitalia Logistics join the board.

The European Commission has updated the composition of its board for the digitization of transport, increasing the presence of Italian entities within the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF). Renewed and new Italian participants in the DTLF include the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Gruber Logistics, Codognotto Italia, the Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, RAM – Rete Autostrade Mediterranee, and Mercitalia Logistics.

The DTLF is the Commission’s main advisory body for the definition of digitization policies in the logistics sector, a real table where future directives for the entire sector are outlined. It is here that important regulations such as the Electronic Freight Transport Information (EFTI), which establishes rules for the digital exchange of transport data between public authorities, with a forthcoming extension planned for private individuals as well, were born.

Thanks to the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum, the groundwork is being laid for the implementation of eCMR (the electronic waybill), and other innovations designed to transform the efficiency of logistics in Europe. The Commission is pushing these developments to accelerate the transition to an increasingly digitized and integrated logistics ecosystem, creating benefits for all stakeholders.

The group of companies and institutions chosen to serve on the Commission brings forward Italy’s role in leading the digitization of the European logistics sector, ensuring a strong and proactive voice in shaping the policies and guidelines of the future.

Gruber Logistics and Codognotto Italia are involved in DTLF Subgroup 2 (Plug and Play), which is dedicated to developing specific solutions to create a harmonized and federated data sharing system. The goal is to enable all players in the supply chain to connect and exchange information smoothly and securely, improving public-private cooperation. RAM – Rete Autostrade Mediterranee works to improve the management and connection of Italy’s freeway, maritime and rail networks, while Mercitalia Logistics works daily to promote increasingly sustainable and integrated European logistics, with first- and last-mile connections. The Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea brings the perspective of Italian ports, helping to improve integration with European transport networks through the digitization of services offered to supply chain operators and port communities.

With this renewal, the DTLF confirms its central role in the digital transformation of European logistics, deploying expertise and resources to meet the challenges of the future. The presence strengthened Italian representatives testifies to our country’s commitment to making logistics more efficient, connected and sustainable, helping to build an increasingly competitive European transport system.

19 November 2024 |

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